Monday 21 November 2011

Dune FM Reserves 1 - 5 Ventura FC

Sunday 20th November 2011,
Stanley High School, Southport

Scorers: Conkling (1), Hand (2), Frank (2)

Its now seven wins in a row for Ventura as they moved level on points (to fourth) with early pace setters West Lancs Utd. Even more pleasing for Ventura will be the fact that their run was extended by a performance that ranks as highly as any seen so far this season, with some clinical finishing to put five goals past their opponents & through using a new 4-3-3 formation.

It was Dunes FM however who took the lead after making an impressive start to the game, their passing confident & with pace. Trecharichi was looking to the ref for a foul, which wasn't given, & Dunes broke away to thunder a strike in at the near post. Their lead didn't last long however as Ventura forced a series of corners before Conkling scored one of his better goals with a curling shot that found the top corner. That equalising goal then visibly dented the confidence of Dunes as their play became more ragged & Ventura found their rhythm, Mike Hand then converting to make it 2-1 after some neat play.

The second half then became one-way traffic. Although working hard in midfield, Dunes were struggling to play the ball out of defence with Ventura players frequently catching them in possession. Trecharichi was disappointed to make way at half-time as he was replaced by Jason with Leigh switching to centre-midfield & Conkling reverting again to left full-back. Allison Frank was having an solid second half & caused Dunes countless problems on the left-flank, adding the first of his two goals to put Ventura 3-1 & out of sight. Mike Hand then added his second through a quick crisp finish that caught the Dunes keeper by surprise before Atherton & Lea were introduced with Ventura switching back to 4-4-2.

Frank added his second of the game after rounding the keeper before Jason had a contender for miss of the season as he somehow failed to convert from all of three yards out. It was a head in hands moment after he'd linked up well with Frank in the build up.

So now Ventura go into a two week mini break having won seven games in a row. Their next opponents will be the Fisherman's Rest FC who feature a former Ventura player in Andrew Uttley, younger brother of current AWOL Ventura player Paul. It promises to be an exciting clash as Ventura aim to make it a fantastic eight wins in row.

Also, well done to David Conkling for his MOTM performance against St Teresa's.

4-3-3 tactics used against Dunes FM Reserves

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