Sunday 22 January 2012

Scarisbrick Hotel 1 - 9 Ventura FC

Sunday 22 January 2012,
Bedford Park, Southport

Scorers: Hand, Ball (3), Frank (3), Nolan, Orang-Utan

Guest Writer This Week: Peter Brocklebank (aka Harold Shipman, aka Peter Sutcliffe)

Guest Writer/Coach...
Alright? Yeah I'm back writing this week's update 'coz Dave is a bad man & didn't play today. We did better without him anyway & I had a go at being Carl's Assistant Manager. Getting a feel for this coaching lark. I think my half-time teamtalk had the desired effect as we won 9-1. I told Ali that his hat-trick was simply not good enough & that he needed to pull his socks up. He told me to stop telling him what to do! Who's he think he is? Where's my hammer?

Anyway, we were 2-0 up at half-time, had a new lad playing called Chris Ball. Apparently he used to play in the same team as Dave & Jamie. He was alright, scored a hat-trick like, but I would've done better. I decided to come on for the last 10 minutes to show the lads how it's done. Oooooosh! Sausage!

Man of the Match: Pete Brock (in my opinion)

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