Sunday 29 January 2012

Dune FM Reserves 2 - 4 Ventura FC

Sunday 29 January 2012
Bedford Park, Southport

Scorers: Frank (2), Lang, own goal

Ventura's winning run was extended to 9 games after a gritty performance against a resilient Dunes FM team, who missed a first half penalty.

In yet another changing line-up & playing in their white & black away kit, Ventura asserted themselves well early on & put pressure on the Dune's defence until Lang managed to skip between 2 defenders & slot home. The finish was Lang's first goal for Ventura & a stark contrast to the finishing he'd produced earlier in the season against West Lancs.

Ventura then could have added another as Frank found himself through on goal only to see his finish narrowly go wide of the post. It was then Frank who added Ventura's second goal however as he timed his run perfectly to remain onside & slot home.

Dunes then posed more of an attacking threat towards the end of the second half & were awarded a penalty when Lang, trying to make amends for scoring, decided to bring down a Dunes player in the box, the referee having no hesitation in pointing to the spot. After some Grobbelaar-esque leg movements from Slocombe, the Dunes player then attempted to find the top right corner only to see his spot kick fly harmlessly high & over the bar.

Dunes did however recover quickly from the miss & scored late into the half after Slocombe found himself isolated & the Dunes striker lifted the ball over him to make the scoreline 2-1. Ventura then nearly regained their 2 goal cushion just before halftime as Conkling pulled the ball back for Orang-Utan only for him to see his shot well saved as the Dunes keeper tipped the ball onto the post.

The second half resumed with tired legs from both sides & Ventura regained their 2 goal lead after a bizarre own goal. Frank had chipped the keeper & with the ball nearing the goal, a Dunes defender raced back but hacked wildly at his clearance to smash the ball into the top corner of his own goal. Frank then topped off a good personal performance by drilling in low after rounding the Dunes keeper, after being put through by Heron.

Joey Lea (aka Luis Suarez), on as a half-time substitute, showed some neat touches & energy when he replaced Orang-Utan. Then whilst Ventura tired towards the end, Dunes added a late headed goal but it was too little too late & Ventura comfortbaly held on for another 3 points & a club record 9th consecutive win.

The real test for Ventura will come next week as they face top of the table Herald Reserves who still remain unbeaten in the league this season.

Ventura's 4-5-1 formation against Dunes

Sunday 22 January 2012

Scarisbrick Hotel 1 - 9 Ventura FC

Sunday 22 January 2012,
Bedford Park, Southport

Scorers: Hand, Ball (3), Frank (3), Nolan, Orang-Utan

Guest Writer This Week: Peter Brocklebank (aka Harold Shipman, aka Peter Sutcliffe)

Guest Writer/Coach...
Alright? Yeah I'm back writing this week's update 'coz Dave is a bad man & didn't play today. We did better without him anyway & I had a go at being Carl's Assistant Manager. Getting a feel for this coaching lark. I think my half-time teamtalk had the desired effect as we won 9-1. I told Ali that his hat-trick was simply not good enough & that he needed to pull his socks up. He told me to stop telling him what to do! Who's he think he is? Where's my hammer?

Anyway, we were 2-0 up at half-time, had a new lad playing called Chris Ball. Apparently he used to play in the same team as Dave & Jamie. He was alright, scored a hat-trick like, but I would've done better. I decided to come on for the last 10 minutes to show the lads how it's done. Oooooosh! Sausage!

Man of the Match: Pete Brock (in my opinion)

Friday 20 January 2012

2012 Update!!!

No Ventura FC haven't gone into administration! Due to the bad weather & the Xmas break, Ventura FC are still waiting to resume their fixtures in 2012. Merry Xmas by the way & a Happy New Year. All the best! We'll be back soon.

In the meantime, here is a pic of what Fisherman's Rest player Andy Uttley would have looked like if we'd have played them during the bad weather.

Andy Uttley following a Brock tackle